Thursday, April 14, 2011

Struggle and Activism of Muslim Americans

     The muslim americans have struggled in the sense that they are not welcomed in the US as much as they use to. They are being mistreated and they are not fighting back because they are not heard or welcomed in the United States. The muslim american problems mostly come from where the Muslim religion come from, the Middle East. There is war right now in the Middle East between the countries there and the US and thats also why they are not welcomed or treated as equally as everyone else. 
      The muslim americans have almost the same struggle and activism of the latin americans that come to the US illegally. The only difference that these two groups have is that the latin americans are actually fighting for their rights and doing something. I could not find anything of how they are fighting for their rights because over here they dont want any trouble even though the americans are making them go to a lot of trouble. The muslim americans dont do anything in the United States, they work in small jobs like electronic shops and gas stations. Some delegates are getting together to discuss the problem that people are having in the airports because everyone that looks Middle Eastern is stopped and sometimes sent to jai, normally to Guantanamo Bay.
      The muslim americans have struggled in the US since 911 but they are not the activist that everyone thoought they would, they should start fighting for their rights more often. I think that they are suppose to have the rights to do and be wherever they want without them being stopped because of some crazy people did.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oppression of Muslim Americans

      The first muslims that came to the US were the ones that came to be slaves from Africa and other places of the Middle East. These people were mistreated because they were used as slaves by the europeans so that they had to all the work. After that they came immigrating with everyone else and they were mistreated like anyone else becuase they were not american. They have been mistreated by the europeans when they were slaves and they were mistretaed after by americans because they were "intruders" in their land.
      The oppression of the muslim americans mostly started after 911 because the americans said that all muslims are now terrorists because of what happened. Not all muslims are terrorist only the ones that want to be and everyone can be a terrorist not just muslim american people or from muslim descent. For now the americans are just taking very good care of the airports, stopping every person that looks from the Middle East because they think that it could be a terrorist. This is not a good thing because everyone should have the right to be where ever they want to be without people judging them for how they look. The 1 Amendment is being violated when they oppresse this group because they are suppose to have the right to do whatever they want without people like americans telling them what to do because the muslim americans are newcomers to this land and we should welcome them peacefully regardless of what happened before.
      When the muslims got here the were treated unfairly like every new immigrant that came to the United States. They were mistreated by europeans at first because they were used as slaves and later the americans mistreated them because they looked like the people that made 911 happen. These people's rights are not mentioned either because they were not part of the United States until later in time and the changes that are being made are not actually that good for them.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Muslim Americans

      Muslim Americans have immigrated to the United States like most of the groups that came over here looking for freedom of religion and for new opportunities. Muslim Americans were also mistreated like any other group but in the present day they are mistreated even more because of what happened in 911. In the present day the Muslim American population is 7 million people that live now in the US. It is one of the mayor groups in the US right now but they are always being mistreated because people think that they are terrorist and they are in struggle right now because everyone can be a terrorist not just them.
     The Muslim American population formed when many were migrated to the United States looking for a new life. They were mistreated like everyone else because they were not white, they were kind of tan, so Americans did not like them. Some were also compared to latin americans because of their tan skin. This group has been in the US for many years now and now they are being mistreated even more because of what happened in 911. After 911 everyone that looked like the people that did what happened are being mistreated and since the muslim americans are from the same culture they look a like. For the most part the people that look like terrorist are detained and then sent to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
      Right now the muslim american population is 7 million and growing. That makes up 2% of the United States population is muslim american. This population will keep growing because right now in the Middle East it is not very good so more muslims will keep coming to have a better life and the ones that are here now are going to keep fighting for their rights to be treated equally everywhere they go even if the people do not like it.